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Keep Volunteers Motivated

Posted: July 16, 2017 at 4:00 am

One of the biggest support systems nonprofit organizations rely on is having a core group of volunteers that are passionate about your mission and work efficiently to help you succeed. In order to find and maintain this group, it is essential that organizations and board members motivate volunteers in the following four ways:

Embrace and Equip the Community.

Your volunteers are most likely going to be people that are a part of the community you are serving, so take the time to get to know them and invest in them. Organize a social gathering with food and fun activities to break the ice and get volunteers connecting with one another and your team. Then, prepare them for success as a volunteer by communicating your needs and expectations with them and introducing them to the team they are working with.

Did you know? 72 percent of volunteers serve only one organization or cause (CNCS).

Appreciation Goes a Long Way.

Volunteering can take a lot of hard work and energy out of people. Nonetheless, when the tasks are fun or when the volunteer feels deeply and genuinely appreciated and essential to the success of the event or of the team, the result and impact is always worth the extra effort. Never forget to thank your staff and volunteers, helping put a face to the nonprofit and maintaining the community that you’re working to build.

Be Mindful of Their Efforts and Time.

Remember that volunteers don’t have to be there. They are choosing to help support your mission for free, on their own time. That being said, make sure you have work for them to do from the minute they arrive so they feel needed and are not simply wasting their time. Accommodate to their schedules, and offer alternative opportunities for them when they have tight schedules to work with.

Did you know? It is estimated that volunteer time could be calculated at $23.56 per hour (Independent Sector).

Bring Them in on the Impact.

When volunteers get to see the impact your organization is making, they will feel more connected to the nonprofit and the cause, and are more likely to keep coming back to help your team. Find creative ways to get them involved, whether that be allowing volunteers to be a part of the fundraiser donation reveal or asking for their input on how to increase effectiveness for the next event.

With these four tips, you’ll be able to bring in more volunteers, and help them stay connected and motivated to support your organization more than ever. If you need help reaching out to and engaging with potential volunteers through social media, eCommunications and more, learn about how we can
support you at Raising Help >

Contact us for more information.