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Countdown to Launch a Successful Strategy

Posted: January 21, 2016 at 2:47 pm

Ever wondered what it takes to launch a successful engagement strategy? Here’s a countdown of five things you need to remember about launching and managing a strategy.

Raising Help Countdown5) Feature compelling imagery.

All communications, to past donors and potential donors, need to have an emotional appeal. This includes finding at least one image that illustrates your organization’s mission at work. Use this image throughout your campaign, so it reinforces your appeal and creates consistency.

4) Define a clear call to action.

Communicate with donors all year long and include a strategic plan to focus that conversation. Provide a simple, clear path to donate.

3) Create a strong sense of urgency.

Your donors need to understand they must act now! Provide incentives to give early, and consider a matching gift with a hard deadline.

2) Go beyond your network

Direct mail campaigns and email appeals to existing supporters are still a fundraising stronghold, but engagement happens in the digital space. Optimize your social media to reach a new audience, and provide opportunities for donors to share your appeal.

1) Share personal stories.

Your organizations milestones are most powerful when shared by those who believe in your mission—staff, donors, community advocates, partners and friends. Showcase these stories through written testimonials. Or even create a video that also incorporates each of the steps above.