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Nonprofit Tips for Raising Awareness

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 8:00 am


To honor Childhood Obesity Awareness Month in September, we want to offer tips for nonprofits to stand by when raising awareness for national concerns. Topics such as childhood obesity can be sensitive areas for some people to discuss, so keep these tips in mind:


Stick to the Facts

Adding emotion into the campaign can definitely strengthen any movement, but first and foremost, make sure your information is accurate and relevant. This will help to eliminate unnecessary backlash from critics.


Share Your Why

Every nonprofit has a reason and a mission. Share your personal story to getting involved in the cause, and help people understand the importance to the issue.


Don’t Point Fingers

Keep your messaging optimistic, focusing on the results your organization wishes to see instead of the origin of the issue.


Contact us if your nonprofit needs help raising awareness via social media, email, direct mail and more.